
Dorkfest. Recording junk. May include lengthy details of electronic circuitry or the innane. (Just like every other blog) Mostly the whatsit and whosit of whatever audio and recording related things I'm working on but I want you to participate.


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wTuesday, December 02, 2003

sorry, long time with no posts over here. hmm, where was i? oh yeah, that's right - i was gonna record may or may not, but my grandpa died and everything has been crazy. well, i'm back now, and we're rescheduled for this weekend to record MOMN. i'm excited to put everything through the works and see how it goes.

new black is working up the holiday record now. we wrote a christmas song and a hannukah song and are recording them and giving them out to our friends for chistmas. we should start recording at our space next week. if you want a copy for your holidays, send your address to nuevoblack@yahoo.com with "I want a lump of coal for christmas/hannukah" in the subject.

ummm. what else, oh yeah. major headway on moving recstudios off to the new location, camp krasklemanball aka newblack manor. liam and i are ripping out old floorboards and reenforcing the floor joists and adding soundproofing. the first step is the drum room, but i think i'll be able to be recording at the new space sometime in february.

posted by two tickets to paradise at 3:20 PM